About Us

We Assist is a services brand operating under Karthika Consulting & Solutions Pvt Ltd. We celebrate 50+ years of legacy with our partner companies Karthika Insurance & Karthika Investzone Capital Pvt Ltd.

We Assist is a one of its kind service that is designed to assist Hospitals to offer a hassle-free Insurance Claim Experience to its patients. Our efforts is to ensure we deliver seamless claim experience so that hospital can deliver seamless healthcare.

With over two decades of industry experience, we offer end to end claim assistance services to hospitals to manage their Cashless and Reimbursement claims. While we do the heavy lifting on claims, we let the hospital to concentrate on high level health care services.

The Founder – Harikrishnan

About Founder

Harikrishnan Ramakrishnan is a seasoned entrepreneur and industry veteran with over two decades of experience in the insurance, events, and advertising industries. As the founder of WeAssist and Karthika Insurance, he has made it his mission to simplify the claims process for his clients and to promote transparency and fairness in insurance.

In addition to his work in the insurance industry, Harikrishnan is a passionate events veteran and high-energy events host, with a talent for connecting people and building strong relationships. He is also a natural networker, always looking for new opportunities to collaborate and make a positive impact on the world around him.

Outside of his professional life, Harikrishnan is a budding micro farmer, with a passion for sustainable living and a deep appreciation for the natural world. He is also a proud member of BNI, a global network of business professionals dedicated to supporting each other's growth and success.

Harikrishnan is a respected thought leader in the insurance industry, with a wealth of knowledge and expertise in areas such as insurance claims, group insurance, and health insurance policy. He is a vocal advocate for greater transparency and accessibility in insurance, and is committed to making a meaningful difference in the lives of his clients and the wider community.